StarLink: Battle For Atlas – Coming To Nintendo Switch in November, Star Fox Content Revealed

StarLink Switch

Switch owners have been anxiously awaiting the revival of some fan-favourite franchises on the Nintendo Switch, and it looks like they may have just gotten one, indirectly. StarLink: Battle For Atlas, a new open world space shooter by Ubisoft, has been announced for Nintendo Switch, amoung other major consoles. And while Starlink may initially remind Nintendo fans of Star fox Switch, there’s plenty to get excited for, whether you’re a Star Fox fan or not. Starlink switch will have Star fox content exclusively for the StarLink: Battle For Atlas Nintendo Switch edition!

The Star Fox series will make a guest appearance in this Starlink switch. The Arwing will be a flyable vehicle in Starlink, complete with its own attachment, and Fox McCloud appears to be the pilot. You can see the E3 trailer for StarLink: Battle For Atlas below, and see just why some people are calling Starlink Star Fox Switch already:

It will be available in November, and is available for pre-order now. The Nintendo Switch content will be exclusive to Starlink switch versions. You can watch the StarLink: Battle For Atlas trailer below:


There’s a lot left to be seen for whether Starlink will live up to the hype, but it certainly seems like an inventive and exciting new entry, and we’re thrilled to see it on Nintendo Switch. Big thanks to Ubisoft for including Nintendo in on this game, and giving us another game to play as the much loved yet often overlooked Fox McCloud.

There are rumours that this game will also advance whether you’re playing or not – so planets you’ve saved will continue to get attacked when the game is off. That’s really exciting – it could mean the war will continue no matter what – ensuring a ton of gameplay for Switch owners down the road.

Get ready to hop into an Arwing this October when StarLink: Battle For Atlas is launched on Nintendo Switch and other major consoles.

Are you excited for StarLink: Battle For Atlas? Let us know in the comments below!

Gamer by day, game designer by night - Lukas studied Digital Arts in school, and grew up in the age of the N64 and Gamecube. He's the youngster of the bunch, but that doesn't keep him from shouting out at every available opportunity on Infendo Radio. He often finds himself at the edge of counter-culture (hates Metroid Prime, loves Other M), but isn't afraid to dive into the next big budget AAA title with the best of 'em. Favorite game: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle/Skyward Sword/Ocarina of Time/Zero Escape 2/You get the idea