Star Fox game for Wii U teased briefly

(Not from the actual game)

Today’s Nintendo Digital Event ended with a few words from legendary game developer Shigeru Miyamoto and showed him playing what seemed to be a new Star Fox game. After a clay-mation Fils-Aime shoots a  lazer beam from his eyes at a clay-mation fan who asks about a new Star Fox game, you have to guess Nintendo will mention something on the series.

An article at IGN reveals that a long-awaited entry in the Star Fox series is indeed headed for Wii U. The game will strive to place players in the cockpit by showing it to them from a first-person perspective on the GamePad’s touch screen. Other details are sparse, but it’s coming, people. It’s coming.

Check out the Nintendo Digital Event on YouTube by clicking here.

In addition to being a girl gamer, Holly prides herself on being a red-head. Consequently, the blue shell in the Mario Kart series is her natural enemy. Don't worry, though: she still loves Mario Kart and is very good, despite the occasional blue shell-sabotaged race. Like any Nintendo fan, Holly also loves Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, Donkey Kong, Metroid, name it. But she'll try just about anything (besides horror games) and has a soft spot for unique, little-known rhythm games like Rhythm Heaven and Samba de Amigo. NNID: Aeroweth