This is the first I’d heard of this game, but the premise is pretty incredible. First, imagine Goofy, from the Disney portfolio of cartoon characters. Now, imagine him with metal parts and a demeanor that would give Tiny Tim nightmares for a year. Lastly, imagine him and the rest of Disney’s wide range of characters and theme park locales in a steampunk world that looks—at least in concept sketches—to be completely awesome.
The end result is a mysterious project called “Epic Mickey” and I really have nothing else to go on. It’s as if the animatronics in Splash Mountain came alive like some kind of steampunk Disney zombies and decided to make a Wii exclusive.
Earlier reports hinted that this could be a platformer, meant to compete with Mario. With the right setting, I could see a darker, steamier Mickey platformer having enough leg to get that job done. The Disney brand, love it or hate it, is no joke. More artwork at Kotaku (worth checking out).