Month: November 2006

Twilight Princess hands-on #2 ("priceless")

Go Nintendo had a bit more luck — and fun it would seem — with the hours and hours of hands on time Nintendo provided for them this week than did Kotaku. Just a taste, before I send you over there to read the lengthy post: “Using the Wiimote to control Link’s sword attacks is just too much fun. It worked for me 100% of the time. I never had an instance where I took a swing ...

Twilight Princess impressions — Kotaku hands-on

Kotaku’s Mark Wilson was one of the lucky ones in Redmond this week playing Twilight Princess on Nintendo’s dime. That said, he still gave a very honest assessment of the title citing some jaggies and control issues as downers, but overall it appears to be a positive experience for one of the Wii’s premier launch titles. “I attempted to regurgitate my Twilight Princess expe...

Mysterious Wii startup disc is… a Wii startup disc

That strange “start up disc” that was shown on the back of a Wii retail box is, wait for it, a start up disc, probably loaded with a last minute firmware update. Over at Joystiq a commenter makes a good point: that this disc probably means Nintendo started manufacturing the hardware before the firmware was 100% complete. This move, in theory, would ensure more units available at launch...

So long, GameCube – Commercial Success?

Nintendo made several attempts to advertise GameCube to video game consumers with mixed results. An early ad in Japan seems cluttered and a bit manic: [youtube=”> Advertisements that ran in the UK and US took a bit more serious and surreal tone. While beautiful, this series of commercials may have been too weird to capture a wide audience: Even ga...

Lupe Fiasco loves DS

Hip hop artist Lupe Fiasco likes the DS so much, he put a phat one on his album cover and a Lite in his latest video. Based on our earlier report from the Wall Street Journal, do you think Wii will be in any more rap videos in the near future? [via ds fanboy]

Why "Press A + B" to start a Wii Game?

Forgive me if I’m being obtuse, but I have no idea why Nintendo forces gamers to “Press A + B” to start a game on Wii. It was like this when I played the system at E3 earlier this year, and every trailer showing a start screen since then displays the same. Why two buttons to start? Why not just “Press A”? Don’t get me wrong, pressing two buttons at once is no bi...

Super Smash Bros. Brawl – new preview

A new preview for Super Smash Bros. Brawl was shown at Nintendo World 2006 featuring gameplay footage. Watch the video all the way through to see another character added to the lineup. Are you excited to see Fox return or is there someone you’d rather see brawling? myFlash = new FlashObject(‘’, ‘swffile’, 400, 346, 8); myFlas...

Wall Street Journal dissects Wii

I wouldn’t say yesterday’s Wall Street Journal article on the Wii is anything really new, but the fact that “kiddie Nintendo” is being featured in one of the U.S.’s most prominent newspapers is very significant. WSJ also has some generic info on the Wiimote, for those who haven’t covered it 24/7 like we geeks at Infendo: “For months, engineers sketched mor...

iPod video Game Boy style!

Flickr user FHKE gets it.

The Infendo RSS Widget

Mac only: Infendo reader Alex Villanueva whipped up this sweet little Infendo RSS widget for the community. If you dig, be sure to send A-man kudos in the comments. Download now! (700k zip)

The day after Wii launch…

Click to enlarge image. Scott does it again.

Celda and the Wiimote

This is well done. From the synopsis: “Aryll finds an interesting object while fishing in the ocean… Unfortunately, this means bad things for Link.” [Thanks, Jake]