E3 may be long gone, but this week Nintendo has outlined the games gamers will be gaming (see what I did there?) on Nintendo consoles in 2012. Notably absent is any mention of recent Japanese releases Last Story and Pandora’s Tower, which many gamers were hoping would help fill in the gaps until Skyward Sword and Wii U. Wii isn’t totally dead in the water though, check out Derek’s list of games still coming for Ninteno’s white box.
Even though 3DS is the new kid on the block, its older brother in DS still has a very significant amount of content coming down the pipeline. If you enjoy all things strange than Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor from Atlus is right up your alley. Nintendo is still bring the games to their legacy handheld as will with Kirby Mass Attack and Professor Layton and the Last Specter.
The 3DS is the system to be excited about right now if you’re a Nintendo fan. Nintendo may be publishing the bulk of the AAA titles with Super Mario 3DS, Luigi’s Mansion 2, and Mario Kart all coming from the house that Mario built; but their is a strong 3rd party presence on the list as well with tiles such as Resident Evil, Shinobi, and Metal Gear all making appearances.
If you would like to see the full lists for yourself, just click on through to see the Wii, 3DS and DS lists in all their glory.
What games on the list make you most excited. What games that aren’t make you the most sad?