XSEED says that The Last Story will have a limited run in North America

The Last Story

First, the good news: The Last Story is STILL going to be released in North America on June 19 for the Wii. The bad news? The game’s publisher, XSEED, has announced that the game will have a limited run once it launches stateside. In addition, the publisher is unsure about releasing a special edition version that was available in Europe and Japan.

XSEED also issued a statement regarding their decision to have a cap on how many copies will be available for the well-received JRPG.

“…we do anticipate a limited run for the game as we already have a number in mind of how many units we can expect to sell of this title, and all our pre-production efforts will be geared towards being able to manufacture a final number somewhat close to our initial estimated number. It’s too early to start thinking of doing additional runs, but as a general policy we haven’t been very active on doing reprints of our other titles so far.”

So, don’t waste any time and just place a pre-order to secure your copy of The Last Story before its sale price inflates in the future. I certainly learned my lesson with the Metroid Prime Trilogy, which is now being sold for an ungodly price on eBay.

Harrison Milfeld is a writer, editor, and freelance journalist from Missouri. Ever since he could walk, Harrison has been an avid fan of the world of Nintendo. For years, he has purchased every one of the company's subsequent products (yes, including the Virtual Boy and eReader). It wasn't until he was a young teen when he bought a PS2 that he began to embrace cross-console relations, a decision he doesn't regret. When he's not gaming, Harrison is looking to break into the magazine journalism industry and realize his dream of becoming a features reporter.