Now that we’ve all seen Nintendo’s foray into the 3D realm with the 3DS, it doesn’t come as a surprise that Iwata is also considering 3D implementation with their consoles as well. In fact, they believe its the future.
“In the future, 3D will become the mainstream of gaming…If you display a 3D image, the image quality becomes extremely bad, so we’d probably do it with the next system. We’re thinking that the timing should be once the 3D television adoption rate crosses the 30% mark.”
“In 3D, it’s easier to get a sense for position. In a game where the stages extend into the screen, it’s surprisingly easier to control [compared to non 3D]. This is functionality for making games more pleasant to play, not just for show
“Nintendo had an eye on the charms of immersive 3D for games and released a 3D game machine 15 years ago, but the technology was not ready. Two years back, we decided that we finally had the technology and parts to make a satisfying product.”
So, the Wii’s successor will be 3D ready, huh? Makes a lot of sense, actually. It seems like Nintendo’s take on 3D is going to be “we have it if you want it.” What do you guys think? Do you want a 3D Nintendo Console?