
New footage of Bravely Default: Flying Fairy emerges out of Nintendo Direct. Will the game make an English language appearance?

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeDrSOAAybE[/youtube] I find it perplexing that we still have no official announcement for release of Bravely Default: Flying Fairy here in North America, but that seems to be the way these things go with what some would consider to be niche titles. Regardless, I will be getting my hands on Bravely Default one way or another, even if it means importing a Jap...

XSEED says that The Last Story will have a limited run in North America

First, the good news: The Last Story is STILL going to be released in North America on June 19 for the Wii. The bad news? The game’s publisher, XSEED, has announced that the game will have a limited run once it launches stateside. In addition, the publisher is unsure about releasing a special edition version that was available in Europe and Japan. XSEED also issued a statement regarding thei...

Tales of the Abyss 3D headed to North America

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXuoraXNwNE&feature=channel_video_title[/youtube] I have a soft spot in my heart for the Tales franchise ever since Tales of Symphonia helped me scratch my JRPG itch when it first released on the Gamecube. Something about these Namco Bandai made RPGs really resonate with me. If you enjoy these type of games and have a 3DS, I have some good news for you. ...