Some have wondered if the Wii U, after its short lifespan, can really hang with Sony and Microsoft. The wonder turned to worry when stock levels were readily available around the holidays, unlike the original Wii console. Some seemed to have lost faith in Nintendo before even playing the Wii U.
For most of us die hard Nintendo fans, we never lost hope. In fact, we drooled over the launch list, fangasmed when we finally clutched the Wii U GamePad for the first time, and developed a nervous twitch anticipating before Nintendo Directs hoping for an announcement of games such as Zelda or Metroid. For most of us, Nintendo is and will always be the top dog.
It seems as though our faith in the iconic company has paid off and investors are jumping on the band wagon. Nintendo’s stock has rose by 5.6% to almost 9,070 yen (approximately $102.16 US Dollar). This is the biggest gain since the November 18th launch. Since the console’s debut the profits have soared to $300 million! In comparison, the original Wii sales were around $270 million within the same time frame.
“The U.S. sales report prompted investors to jump on Nintendo. Still, “the gain may be short-lived unless it can sustain sales momentum.”
Makoto Sengoku, a Tokyo-based market analyst at Tokai Tokyo Securities Co.
What does this mean for us? Well, if the fans and investors are backing up the company, then the developers are sure to follow. This might be the little extra push needed for those third party developers that might be debating whether to create something for the Wii U.