Now, you could make fun of the new partnership between Nintendo and sports retailer Sports Authority, but by doing so you’d be completely missing the point. Best just keep that ignorance quiet for now.
This is random Saturday where we present you with a random picture and your goal is to give it a funny caption or title. So would you kindly give this picture a caption? Find out what last weeks title was after the break.
Halo, GTA and other kill them before they kill you fare may boast an aggressive, testosterone-laden affair, but in reality the experience is skin deep. Real men and women play Wii Fit, it seems, and the sales confirm that in spades.
Looking for the new trend in video game technology? Look at cameras. Nintendo’s latest hand held revision, the DSi, has a camera. Microsoft hopes to change the industry with it’s 3D motion tracking “Natal” camera for the Xbox 360 – and fitness games? You guessed it: Camera. According to Ubisoft, the fitness game market has seen more growth in the past year than an...
So, do you love running in place? Great, have I got the product for you! Presenting jOG for the Nintendo Wii. This little device goes somewhere between the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, and makes sure that the player character only moves when the player does.   The designers hope this will provide an athletic and immersive gaming experience. Honestly though? It looks like a pedometer that keeps ...
GoNintendo is reporting rumored release dates on Wii Motion Plus, Wii Sports Resort, and something called “Wii Fit Plus” for July and November, respectively. The tip comes by way of GoNintendo reader Maxemillian_X, who snapped a covert shot of an upcoming release list in an Amsterdam game shop. We already knew Motion Plus and Wii Sports Resort was on it’s way – and July...
Landfills that don’t even exist yet were all hot and bothered this morning following the impressive sales data out of gaming accessory manufacterer MadCatz. The company ended the quarter down slightly, but was still heavy on cash, thanks in part to Wii Fit accessories that have without a doubt offered their new owners minutes of exercise help before being shoved beneath the TV stand. Rock Ba...
Surprisingly or unsurprisingly, depending on what you know about Nintendo strategy these days, Wii Fit exploded last week to the tune of 300,000 units sold. Failed New Year’s resolutions waiting to happen? Gift card bonanza? As far as Nintendo is concerned, they could care less as long as this thing (and the rest of its software) continues to defy the traditional video game sales model.
There are really no surprises in the top 10 holiday sales list over at Amazon today, so its publication does little more than twist the knife and salt the wounds of the trailing (and increasingly similar) competition. This, of course, is why I’m posting it today: Amazon said best-selling holiday items this year included the Samsung 52-inch HDTV, the Apple iPod, the Acer netbook computer and ...
Current TV is now showing this clip about WiiFit. Is it funny? You be the judge. [Thanks to Kai from Current TV for sending this in!]
If you can even get your hands on one, Red Mozzie may have come up with a way to get a WiiFit on the cheap: [My] office has a health and fitness policy, which allows employees to claim an allowance of $150 per year for fitness-related equipment or services: sports clothes, gym memberships, that sort of thing. Well, I submitted my form to apply for a reimbursement for Wii Fit. And it came through n...