We can officially declare Operation Rainfall as a success. On April 16th, 2013, we can finally play Pandora’s Tower! After constant blood, sweat, and tears, it took one year and ten days for the trilogy of games to arrive in America since Xenoblade Chronicles release. Sadly, it is possible that Pandora’s Tower will be the last game released on the Wii U, but wipe those tears from yo...
After finishing up Xenoblade Chronicles last month, my body just wasn’t ready for another huge RPG. I had put in The Last Story for a bit, but only enough to know that the game would be another 50+ hour adventure that I just couldn’t pass up. Now that finals are over and I have had an entire weekend to devote myself to the game, I think it’s appropriate to give my initial impress...
There is something to be said about fans getting what they deserve. Looks like I’m not the only one who enjoyed my time with Xenoblade Chronicles, because according to Gamasutra it was the third best selling game of last month. This is major victory for those of us that enjoy a well made, lengthy RPG from time to time, and hopefully enough incentive for Nintendo of America to keep the good times r...
Over the years Nintendo has released many games in Japan that North America might never get the chance to play. Two examples, out of many, are Pandora’s Tower and Project Zero. Both games are highly sought after in North America, yet Nintendo seems to ignore our pleas. Sure, we are finally getting The Last Story, and that is fantastic news, but there is so much more we could have access to...
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1yNJcOF1CM[/youtube] Hot off the heals of the announcement that North America would receive The Last Story, a new trailer for the game is hot off the presses, complete with commentary from Hironobu Sakaguchi. I for one can’t wait for the game, so much so that I already have a PAL copy on they way (oops, too slow NoA).As for everyone else, who plans on...
I would like to think that Operation Rainfall has had a lot to do with Xenoblade Chronicles coming out this April to North American gamers, with their campaigns to let Nintendo of America know just how much the game was wanted. In a surprise move, Nintendo of America today announced in it’s Nintendo Direct video that The Last Story, another Operation Rainfall game, would be coming stateside...
It seems like just yesterday when I was passing around copied floppy disks to all my friends at recess of Maniac Mansion. Even back then developers were plagued by rampant piracy that they attempted to curb, and I would get phone calls well into the night asking what the code for the door was that was located in the instructions manual. Today piracy hasn’t gone anywhere, and in fact one coul...
Nintendo of America has yet to announce, or even acknowledge the existence of, Xenoblade, The Last Story, or Pandora’s Tower. This has made themightyme on the IGN Boards angry enough to write letters…on actual paper. So here is the basic premise. In the past, fans of television shows on the brink of cancellation have banded together to get networks to bring them back. How was th...
So if you haven’t heard, Mistwalker’s newest game The Last Story is out in Japan. The sales numbers show that the game had a great first week, where it sold 118,953 units and was #1 on the Japanese sales charts. Week two for The Last Story wasn’t so great with sale dropping 99K and coming in at #7. What does this mean to us English speaking folks who really, really really want to...