With exception to a few cosmetic blemishes, the thing looks almost as flawless as it plays. Certainly more convincing than the PolyStation.
Nintendo has finally thwarted pirates who wish to take advantage of the upcoming 3DS. Pirate spokesman One-Eyed Jack was quoted as saying, “Tis rather thoughtless, if’n you ask me. How’s I supposed to enjoy rich 3D visuals when I’s only gots but one eye?” Seriously, though, my old man has no depth perception. Anyone out there unable to take advantage of this highly ...
Arrr, mateys! Wanna play this classic high-seas adventure game in widescreen on Wii? Tell us the funniest Pirate name in the world, along with your own name and town in the comments. The winner, as selected by Infendo, will then be announced next week, followed by some sweet postal action. U.S. residents only (sorry international readers). Good luck!
Pirates beware! A UK man was sentenced to 12 months of jail time for importing and planning to resell 26,500 R4 DS cartridges. While it is safe to say most pirates use a few less R4 cartridges than the aforementioned offender, pirates should take notice since this shows that authorities are cracking down on video game piracy more than they have in the past. “Intellectual property theft is a...