Join us in Episode 705 as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of Ocarina of Time and reminisce about this legendary game.
The Legend of Zelda is a game series with a history of over 30 years, and in that time the series has done a lot to expand upon itself. From the ever growing multiple timelines and self-referential story-lines to basic game mechanics, each Zelda title inherits a lot from its predecessors. There are, however, some things that just didn’t survive the overwhelming growth of the Zelda universe. ...
The latest reveal of Breath of the Wild has raised a question that arises every time a new Zelda game has been announced or released for the past decade or so: When does it take place? For a while, there seemed to be a comprehensive timeline. The Legend of Zelda was succeeded by Zelda II, taking place a few years later. The events of A Link to the Past were, as the Western region title suggested, ...
Last week’s Nintendo Direct has the Nintendo Universe buzzing with excitement, much of it stirred up by the announcement of the Majora’s Mask remake coming to the 3DS. While many are bouncing with excitement, others are cringing at the thought of tackling this franchise misfit again. All this brings us to an enormously debated question: Where does Majora’s Mask sit in the Zelda h...
Every year around Christmas time, I boot up one of my many consoles capable of playing Ocarina of Time and give the game whirl. It has been a tradition ever since the games release in 1998. For me, there is nothing more satisfying that curling up with a blanket and walking into Zora’s Domain….especially after Ganondorf freezes over the land of the Zora’s. For me, there are so many game...
Worried that Ocarina of Time for 3DS will be nothing more than a port of a port when it releases this June? If so then tonight you can rest easy because along with updating the textures and character models, developer Grezz0 will also be introducing a Boss Challenge mode to Link’s first adventure in three dimensions. Not much else is known about the new mode, but any new content for a gam...
Hey, I’m Holly. I’m the sixth in a family of nine children. I attribute my love of video games to my older siblings, with whom I played NES, SNES, and N64. I continued the legacy, playing Game Cube and Wii with my younger siblings in years to come. Family and Nintendo go hand-in-hand for me. The first Nintendo system I had all to myself was a Game Boy Color with that pretty, see-throug...
On February 21, 1986 — 25 years ago today — Nintendo released The Legend of Zelda for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Since then, the Zelda series has gone to become as iconic, recognized and truly legendary as its trademark golden cartridges. From Hyrule to Termina and beyond, we’ve gone on some truly ground-breaking adventures with Link as each Zelda installment intricately ...
When I learned that Ocarina of Time would be a title on the Nintendo 3DS my heard almost skipped a beat. I couldn’t believe that Nintendo would be releasing one of the greatest Zelda games in full glorious 3D. During the Miyamoto-developer round table this evening; I managed to get my hands on a small preview of the game. The preview only showed the intro video, which seemed to have an impro...