If you haven’t already seen this, the download edition of Ocarina of Time 3D has been reduced on the 3DS eShop over the past few days, until Thursday 21st this week. The usual price of £39.99 has been slashed to £19.99 (or AU$39.95 in Australia), cheaper by far than the current Amazon price of £31.99. If you haven’t played Ocarina of Time before, this is a steal, £20 for one of the bes...
As sales of the 3DS mount in Japan and preorders break records in the UK, the hype and mystery surrounding the enticing new portable is reaching a fever pitch. The 10 day countdown to our stateside release date starts now! – Wondering how long it’ll take to rack up those PlayCoins as you walk around town with your 3DS? As the system’s pedometer tracks your mileage, you’ll e...
– Early last year, the Wii officially surpassed the NES as the best-selling Nintendo console in history. Now, according to a new press release, the Wii claims another milestone as it has sold 35 million consoles in the US faster than any other console in history. The sales figures of recent releases such as Donkey Kong Country Returns aren’t doing too shabby, either. Check out the full...
– Not quite sold on The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time’s upcoming 3DS remake? David Young, Nintendo of America’s Associate Public Relations Manager, has announced that the 3DS remake will include Master Quest. Until now, the only way we’ve been able to play Master Quest, a re-worked version of OOT with more challenging puzzles and enemies, is through the Wind Waker pre-or...
As seen by Infendo’s Canon T1i last week. Too bad she’s not a launch game.