In Episode 706, we explore the exciting prospect of a Super Mario RPG sequel, fueled by Chihiro Fujioka's expressed desire to create one before retiring. Tune in for this speculation and more gaming adventures!
I think it’s safe to assume that most gamers have dabbled in emulation at one point or another. It’s a quick and easy way to play rare, foreign, and classic games. It is also a handy way to keep all of those games together without taking up a lot of physical space. To its detractors, emulation is as bad as stealing. You’re playing a game you didn’t pay for on hardware the c...
If there is any indie game you choose to support this year, or any year in fact, let that choice be Celeste. This game deserves all the praise it receives and more. It's simple to grasp and difficult to master game mechanics tie in beautifully with a heart-breaking story of overcoming your inner demons, all while offering a true joy within yourself at your ability to conquer what seems impossib...
“This is it, Madeline. Just breathe. Why are you so nervous?” These are the words that greet you when you start up Celeste, a narrative-driven single player precision platformer developed and published by Matt Makes Games. You would be wise to keep these words safeguarded in your mind as you make your climb up the game’s namesake mountain as Madeline; a young woman that suffers from panic at...
So you wanna be the next ARMS champ, huh? Wear the belt, have the screaming fans chanting your name? Then listen up kid. These are some quick tips to get those Arms of yours in top form. Buttons or Motion? ARMS can be played either with button controls or motion controls. Three members of the Infendo crew prefer button controls, while one of us (cough cough, Steve) is still using motion con...
For the last thirteen years, China has enforced a pretty tight ban on the sale of video game consoles within their heavily populated country. However, that ban may soon end, although no official end date has been announced. The sale of consoles, although not legal, has happened in china, but the sales figures are not enough to impact the profits of Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony. In fact, ...
Work has been pretty busy for me the last few days, and I have had little time to focus on anything else, but today I decided that I needed to take a much needed break and browse the world of the interwebs. While sipping my coffee and wasting time on Youtube, I found the below video that was posted by RunTrainEntertainmen. The video is a short mockumentary on the life of a gamer. It hits on some...
That’s what Gamaustrua analyst Matt Matthews suspects: The second point (of last year’s annual console sales) brings out is just how sequel-driven the top end of the market has become. Every game, with exception of Just Dance 2 and Batman: Arkham City is a sequel several times over. I’m just now beginning to try to follow the mobile/tablet gaming market, and while many of the g...
So who went? What did you think? If you didn’t go, but kept tabs via some other form of online communication…what did you think? Some quick takeaways for me: Awesome show, albeit an overcrowded one that will 100% confirmed be in a larger venue next year. I left the show energized about gaming, about gamers and about creative people in general. I also left about $200 lighter than when I...
More from than wonderful Epic Games Mark Rein interview, where he’s been lofting anti-core quotes high into the air in such a way that they glide gently back to earth like falling snow. Truly, for such a slow news day it sure feels like a glorious Christmas in July to me right now: “Over half the users who played Gears of War 2 so far do not have HDTVs.” That popping sound you he...