In a corporate debacle of elephantine proportions, images of Infendo’s unreleased 2D console controller leaked to the internet today, brining the information superhighway to its knees. “Who knew there was this much interest in the horse and buggy of console gaming,” said world wide web creator Tim Berners-Lee, in reaction to the event. “Anyways, isn’t this thing like ...
The gaming world erupted with controversy today after a number of New Super Mario Bros. Wii owners discovered that Nintendo had included a “terrorism” themed secret level in copies of the acclaimed side-scrolling platformer. The level, accessible only after players complete the game three consecutive times using all four players will full coins, thrusts the Mario character back into Pr...
DENVER’A hush fell over the internet today as one commenter let gloves fly and cut more than 50 million Wii owners to their core, using only four words. “Get a real console,” said Bryce Meikle, an accredited “fun expert” and frequenter of Kotaku, an American video game blog with a Japanese-sounding name. “Who the hell would even play a Wii?” Meikle derisively ad...
MUSHROOM KINGDOM’After an intense couple of hours Friday morning, the internet’s #1 Nintendo fan site became fully operational, after a glitch caused all site links to fail for an unidentified period of time. “Infendo world headquarters were a mess today,” said a visibly frustrated David Cole, managing editor of the site. “I had to email Blake [the publisher] like 10 times ...
Movie critics and other film aficionados were up in arms today over B-movie slasher horror flick My Bloody Valentine 3D, which released just this past Friday to little fanfare, acclaim or a even a noteworthy box office draw to speak of. Nevertheless there was an uproar over the flick that continued today. The problem? The movie was in 3-D. “The new-found interest in 3-D film making is unfort...