
Nintendo Fan vid makes light of flying Wiimotes

[youtube=]Hold on tight. But is it authentic?

Wii rave imminent

[youtube=]This spin goes out to Blizake and all da Infendo ravers out there. Booyakasha!

Wii and Tupperware

I believe it was my man Denzel Washington who once said, “Tupperware ain’t got nothing on Wii!” before he and Ethan Hawk took out 30 thugs in the movie Training Day, but I could be wrong. What I do know is people are starting a new trend — with the Wii at its center. Kris Smith called it “the equivalent of a man Tupperware party.” In early December, he and a few...

Wii Channels and niches

Everyone talks about the potential of Wii Channels — what could come to be, what’s already here; how wild ideas will probably never see the light of day but sound really, really cool (Wii Cricket Channel, anyone?). The reason I ramble today is that IGN Wii has some slick mock-ups on their site today of pipe dream future Wii channels. Examples include the Wii Stock Channel, Sports Chann...

Nintendo’s Wii — the impulse buy

Today, having a product that is so good people cannot help themselves but buy it without thinking of their finances or well being became a bad thing. I’m talking about the term “impulse buy,” because today a Sony exec (see also: barking mad) said the Wii was an impulse buy. “Wii could be considered an impulse buy more than anything else,” said David Karraker, SCEAR...

Penny Arcade covers Reggie’s Assistant

fesworks (our resident gone in 60 seconds podcast ninja) dialed in to the tip line today with this heads up about Penny Arcade: “Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime cuts an imposing figure. Forum denizens are routinely shocked by the adulation this man receives, but if you have ever seen him, it isn’t especially shocking. He seems to project beyond himself, exerting a kind o...

Let it Bii

Not exactly an original idea, but the first time I’ve seen the Biitles on a t-shirt. Good form.

Nintendo Spotting: Icy Link edition

Looks like someone touched one of those spiky hockey puck things again… [Thanks, Matthew]

Nintendo’s Long Tail

If you’ve ever heard of the Long Tail by Wired magazine’s Chris Anderson, then you recognize why the Virtual Console is one of the biggest reasons Nintendo will probably go gangbusters in 2007-2008 with the Wii console. Today, Anderson himself discussed the Wii on his Long Tail blog: Nearly 1.4 million Wii hardware systems have connected to the Internet worldwide (as of 1/24/07) Approx...

Be Reggie’s assistant

Does the idea of stapling Reggie’s TPS reports fill you with joy? When at a gaming conference, and you happen to overhear the Regginator asking for a cup of coffee, is your immediate reaction to vault to his rescue with a pot of joe? If you said yes, they get those fingers ready to click on this job posting link from Nintendo! Seems the king of Nintendo in the U.S. is seeking an executive as...

Because vandals like Tetris too

Location: Denver. And is it just me, or does this remind anyone else of a certain Led Zepplen album…