Released last year on Wii, The Conduit was a generic shooter with great controls. I’ll let you decide if that’s worth your time or not. But that all changes with the Conduit 2, boasts Sega. This time the game will be 100% less generic! When approaching art direction for Conduit 2 we’ve made sure never to build anything into our game that we ourselves aren’t completely excit...
After taking a short week off – Alexis, Zac, and Sean come back to answer the big questions: Is the “Zelda Wii” team in competition with Monster Hunter Tri? Should The Conduit sequel really be made? What does a dog-chewed copy of heartgold look like? (Hint: Like This) Just what the heck is “Ultra Hand,” anyway? This, and more, on Infendo Radio 181: Radio Feed iTunes...
Second time’s the charm? Kind of baffling, really, but maybe they’ll have the same kind of sequel semi-success that Ubisoft had with Red Steel 2. [Image, source both]