Surely it’s common knowledge among Nintendo fans that, in the U.S., Nintendo revived the home console industry after the video game crash of 1983. This was possible thanks to one of the most iconic gaming systems of all time: the NES.
I’ve just finished reading the book Console Wars by Blake J. Harris. It doesn’t go into much detail regarding the NES, but just reading about a small chunk of those bygone days has me wishing I could somehow go back and personally experience the revolution that was the NES. Because I was born in 1991, I essentially missed out on the whole thing.
But NES systems and games are plentiful to this day, which brings me to an idea I recently had:
I plan to replicate the feelings of yesteryear as best I can and write about it on Infendo.
The best part? This will be an ongoing experiment shaped by you, the readers. I hope it’s no secret I greatly enjoy interacting with fellow Nintendo fans. Every comment and suggestion you make will not got unnoticed by me, and chances for you to vote on which games I buy/play will be plentiful. And after I tackle the NES, there’s nothing stopping me from moving up to the GameBoy, the SNES and beyond.
I’ve put a lot of thought into this project, and as such, I’ve laid down some rules:
- I must replicate the original experience of playing a particular game as closely as possible. Meaning, if I can cheaply acquire an original NES cart, I must do so. However, playing games via the Virual Console on Wii U or Nintendo 3DS is not out of the question if getting an original copy proves too difficult.
- NES games are difficult compared with today’s games. For every game I play, I have 3 lifelines: 1) Use the internet 2) Ask the readers 3) Ask a friend (someone specific who I can get in contact with).
And that pretty much covers the rules. I would have made “Have Fun” a rule, but it’s implied, plus it’s way too cheesy and cliché.
I’ve already had some response to this on Twitter and Facebook, so if you’re wondering which game I plan to play first, well, here are a few options:
- Recommended by Anthony DeVirgilis, StarTropics and Faxanadu.
- Recommended by Justin Riley, Mike McSurdy, and Eric Abrams, DuckTales.
- Recommended by Justin Riley and Eric Abrams, Paperboy.
Here comes your first chance to influence this entire undertaking: leave a comment below voting for the one game out of those four you most want me to play. Additionally, feel free to leave any suggestions you have beyond those alongside your vote, and they will also be considered for the future.
Beyond that, all I can say is welcome to this thing I’ve dubbed Retro Redux: NES Quest! Having missed out on so many classic NES games, I hope I can provide a fresh perspective on 80’s gaming that everyone involved will enjoy. Let the vidiocy commence!
Ways to follow the progress of Retro Redux:
Twitter: @HollyFellmeth and @Infendo
My Nintendo Network ID: Aeroweth
#RetroRedux #NESQuest