Before I dive into my StarTropics report card, I’m going to get the most recent vote out of the way. Leave a comment below with your pick out of: Gun.Smoke, recommended by Darren. Punch-Out!!, recommended by Brad. Rygar, recommended by Cliff. Final Fantasy, recommended by Justin Riley. Super Mario Bros. 3 won the last vote, so that’s what I have been and will be playing! But with all o...
Welcome to another episode of Infendo Radio! In episode 329, Harrison Milfeld, Lewis Pugh, Colin Crompton, and myself return to our tried-and-true structure. “What We’ve Been Playing” includes updates on Fire Emblem Awakening and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, as well as an anecdote from Colin you won’t want to miss. We cover holiday release dates in our Nintendo news segmen...
Those of you who’ve been following the NES Quest from the beginning know that I started it by playing DuckTales. At that time, I already had an original NES copy of the game plus DuckTales Remastered downloaded to my Wii U. Yeah, I’m crazy that way: I often download games, only to hold off on playing them until months later. Well, what better time to play DuckTales Remastered than righ...
The NES Quest continues to move forward, albeit at a rather slow pace. I tried to juggle several games over this last week: Hyrule Warriors, Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, and StarTropics. I’d say I’ve done an alright job, especially considering the other demands of life, which continue to bombard. So let’s not waste any time! Updates O...
Welcome, everyone, to episode 327 of Infendo Radio. In this episode, we introduce a special addition to the podcast from “Canadia,” Justin Riley. He, Lewis, and I talk about what we’ve been playing (Hyrule Warriors and Bravely Default), cover Nintendo news (the Super Smash Bros. Open Tournament and Watch Dogs), and finish with a community comments/questions section (are todayR...
I’ve been holding off on this report card because I kept thinking, “Just gotta get one more person to play it with me!” Well, I’m here to say I did get someone new to play it with me, and in the most unexpected way imaginable! I work a part-time job as an English tutor in a town about 20 miles away. I spend essentially all day in this little college town every Wednesday, bu...
I know it’s been a while since the last update on NES Quest and even longer since the last report card, so this post is long overdue! First, a (very) brief update: I never did get around to playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II with a friend again, so that’s why I’ve been holding off on a report card. But I have had the time to play StarTropics, which is, of course, single play...
Differing opinions clash in episode 324 of Infendo Radio, in which Colin Crompton, Lewis Pugh, and myself talk about what we’ve been playing (Azure Striker Gunvolt and more Mario Kart 8) and the recent Bayonetta 2 Direct. We also finally finish our list of the top 5 RPG/strategy games out on the Nintendo 3DS, though perhaps not everyone will end up satisfied by the end of it. All this and mo...
Game: StarTropics Release Date (North America): Dec. 1990 Developer: Nintendo IRD Genre: Action-adventure I think it’s about time for another NES Quest update, as it’s been a while since the last vote ended and you were no doubt in suspense as to which game (out of Metroid, Super Mario Bros. 3, Maniac Mansion, and StarTropics) was the winner. As you can see, StarTropics won and did so ...
It’s time for another NES Quest report card! As with the DuckTales post before it, this report card (for Bionic Commando) is not a review: it’s a way for me to report to you the details of my progress in Bionic Commando. So how did I do? Read on to find out! Overview Areas Completed: 01 13 (Neutral) 04 15 (Neutral) 05 16 (Neutral) Lifelines Used: 1 – The Internet. Why? To figure ...
Game: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game Release Date (North America): Dec. 1990 Developer: Konami Genre: Beat ’em up As you can see, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game is up next on NES Quest. I’ve already acquired an original NES cartridge of the game, so I will start playing it this weekend. But what about my progress on Bionic Commando? I’m about t...
Welcome to another episode of Infendo Radio. In episode 321, Harrison Milfeld, Lewis Pugh, Colin Crompton and I talk about recent Nintendo news, including the return of veteran fighter Meta Knight to the Smash Bros. roster, the special promotions in Europe attached to the games, the tragic passing of Robin Williams, and the upcoming Pokemon card game app headed to iPads. In our feature, we answer ...