Retro Redux: NES Quest – DuckTales START

100-DucktalesA photo of my TV displaying the title screen (hence the glare…and possibly the warped text).

  • Game: DuckTales
  • Release Date (North America): Sept. 14, 1989
  • Developer: Capcom
  • Genre: Action Platformer

It was a close competition between DuckTales and StarTropics, but DuckTales came out on top, so it has the, uh, honor (I guess) of being the game to kick off NES Quest (if you have no idea what I’m talking about, click here to check out the first post in my series, Retro Redux). I’ll be playing the game using an original NES system and cart.

When I say “close competition,” I mean very close. As in 9 votes to 8 close. Considering DuckTales’ apparent popularity, I’m impressed that StarTropics was able to nab such a close second. But alas, the people have spoken, and DuckTales is officially kicking off NES Quest.

To ensure I have something to play afterward, however, let’s start another vote right away, shall we? Again, this will be out of four games. I may not do it this way every time, but I selected the four randomly, the old-fashioned way: by writing all the options down (about 25) on scraps of paper, closing my eyes, jumbling them about, and choosing four. But without further ado, here’s the next set:

  • Recommended by Justin Riley, Super Mario Bros. 3.
  • Recommended by Mike McSurdy, Adventure Island.
  • Recommended by Janush, Maniac Mansion.
  • Recommended by Brad, Bionic Commando.

Hopefully you know what to do: leave a comment below with your choice out of those four games. Just to clarify (and really I only came to this conclusion after the last vote): if you’re mentioned above as having recommended a game, feel free to vote on yours (or even a different one) anyway, and I’ll count it!

Another note: if you would like to follow NES Quest using your own NES (or emulator), please do! And let me know how it goes, in any of the following ways:

Twitter: @HollyFellmeth

My Nintendo Netword ID: Aeroweth (If you friend request me, include something about Infendo in your message; I can’t accept every random request I get!)

E-mail [email protected] (Use a subject like “Retro Redux” or even “To Holly”)

Well, I’m off to start DuckTales! One more thing before I go, though: voting will go through the weekend, so Sunday night’ll be your last chance to pick a game and vote on it; don’t procrastinate!

In addition to being a girl gamer, Holly prides herself on being a red-head. Consequently, the blue shell in the Mario Kart series is her natural enemy. Don't worry, though: she still loves Mario Kart and is very good, despite the occasional blue shell-sabotaged race. Like any Nintendo fan, Holly also loves Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, Donkey Kong, Metroid, name it. But she'll try just about anything (besides horror games) and has a soft spot for unique, little-known rhythm games like Rhythm Heaven and Samba de Amigo. NNID: Aeroweth