Rayman Legends Online Challenge Mode: Will It Redeem Ubisoft?


Ubisoft made the news recently when they decided to, not only, cancel Rayman Legend’s Wii U exclusivity but also delay the game until September.  Needless to say, many fans were a little upset about the news.

In response to the negative publicity, Ubisoft is offering an apology to Nintendo fans in the form of  Rayman Legends Online Challenge Mode.  The Online Challenge mode will be available for free in April, exclusively for Wii U gamers.  The Challenge Mode is said to offer several “modes” which can be played alone or with up to five players.    To clarify further, the full online challenge mode will be released exclusively to Wii U owners in April.  That does not mean that the other consoles will not see it in September when the game launches.  The only portion of the challenge that was specifically designed for the Wii U is the Dungeon.  However, with rumor that the next gen Xbox will have the capability to work with a proprietary tablet, I would guess that Ubisoft will port it in the future (just a hunch, not that they would ever do that…)

The short video below is an apology from Senior Game Manager Michael Micholic and Creative Director Michel Ancel.  They share a few details of the Online Challenge Mode.  Hit the jump to watch.


Is the challenge mode an adequate apology for you to forgive Ubisoft, or is it just their attempt to make peace with the angry fans in hopes of keeping them satisfied until launch?

Essel Pratt has spent his life exploring his imagination and dreams. As a Husband and a Father, he doesn't have as much time to write as he would like. However, his mind is always plotting out his next story. Someday he hopes to quit the 9-5 grind and focus on writing full time. Currently, Essel has three published short stories and is working on a handful of novels. Essel focuses his writings on mostly Horror/Sci-Fi, however is known to add a dash of other genres into his writings as well. In his spare time, he can be found playing one of the 40+ video game consoles in his collection, especially his Wii U (NNID: EsselPratt). Click the links below to follow Essel's exploits in the writing world, and be sure to follow his blog at http://esselpratt.blogspot.com/ as well as his articles on Nerdzy.com.