This is random Saturday where we present you with a random picture to give a caption or title. So would you kindly give this picture a caption?
Find out what last weeks title was after the break.
“I Like big buttons and I cannot lie.
You other dorks can’t deny,
When a girl walks in with an itty-bitty waist and a giant controller in your face you get sprung!” ”“ 8Eyes
Runner ups
“Despite the size hurdle, even Tinkerbell enjoys the occasional weekend NES session.” – Instant_Awesome
“So ‘up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A’ kills my brother?” – Roddy
“”¦and so after failing to pass World 1-1 for the 20th time, Alice began to regret sipping on that “Drink Me” bottle.” – Jonkind
“Everyone loves the new DJ NES music game for the Wii!” – BlueRocks