This is random Saturday where we present you with a random picture and your goal is to give it a funny caption or title. So would you kindly give this picture a caption?
Find out what last weeks title was after the break.
“the kid was just told that the next brawl tournament is going to be played using the wii balance board”¦ and a possibility of a fitness tourney”¦” ”“ Muggy8
Runner ups
“Jesus C., it’s a Reggie! GET IN THE CAR” – Fairlady Z
“How do we get the balance board to work? Baby spiders. See?” ”“ Jonkind
“REGGIE stood on that thing BAREFOOT!! DISGUSTING! GET IT AWAY FROM ME!!” ”“ Jake Barber
“Shiggsy: This kid is a PS3 owner, look how he reacts to anything related to casual gaming”¦” ”“Phil Myth