Today saw the Pokémon World Championship 2014 begin in Washington, D.C and as contestants made their way inside the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, some found a surprising encounter. Being demoed was a version of the Pokémon Trading Card Game was running on an iPad. Although an official written announcement has been made, reps at the event confirmed this was the real deal and should land on the Apple App Store later this year.
The photo above was taken by Josh Wittenkeller on Twitter
From information gathered so far, the iPad version will essentially be a touch-friendly version of the same Pokémon Trading Card Game Online available for both PC and Mac and will also be a free download. Currently the only way to obtain digital cards is via codes that come with the physical cards, whether this will be the same on the iPad version or purchase of digital cards via in-app purchase will be available is yet to be seen.
This appears to be another example of The Pokémon Company flexing their online and mobile reach beyond what Nintendo is usually comfortable doing with their other IP. In fact this very move was predicted some time ago by yours truly on this very site.
The next question of course is will we also see the TCG make its way to the Wii U? The combination of touch screen and large TV view would makes allot of sense but perhaps Nintendo and The Pokémon Company have something else in mind?
Let us know what you think of the first ‘Nintendo Game’ on tablets and do you think we can see this also hit the Wii U?