This morning I was surprised and intrigued by the appearance of a new, rather vague, page on Nintendo’s official site called “The Reviews Are In.” Clicking on it, I found it’s another attempt by Nintendo to generate interest in its Wii U and Nintendo 3DS gaming systems. The page has a simple black/gray background with various quotes and scores plucked from Wii U/3DS game reviews on various online gaming publications. Strangely, many of the quotes aren’t long enough to indicate which game they’re talking about, but you can click on any that catch your interest and find out which games they refer to. This also opens links to the full reviews, in case you want to read up on specific games.
As the Wii U struggles on, especially after the release of its competitors, Nintendo is apparently taking steps to show off what the system boasts over the PS4 and Xbox One (at the moment): a diverse library of games. What do you think of Nintendo’s latest approach to promoting the Wii U and 3DS?