The Nintendo news scene went a bit wild after a reported “Nintendo Rep” said that Nintendo was going to focus on WiiWare and push away from the Virtual Console.
That did not please a lot of Nintendo fans as soon after their was a rebuttal by almost everyone. Fans going so far as to try and rock twitter with a #SaveWiiVirtualConsole hash tag. However, Nintendo heard about the rumor and has posted a response to it saying that…
Each week Nintendo makes available a mix of Virtual Console, WiiWare and Nintendo DSiWare games. Combined, these services currently provide gamers with hundreds of fun and interesting downloadable games to choose from. There is no preset schedule as to how many games will become available in a given week, but many more are on the way via all of these digital delivery systems. ”“ Charlie Scibetta, Nintendo of America’s senior director of public relations
That’s a nice statement and all, but when are we going to see some new Virtual Console games?
[via Gamer Investments]