[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNgtIrSHack&hd=1[/youtube]I’m not sure if you’re aware, but I’m a huge Zelda nut. I love my Zelda in all shapes and sizes. Handheld Zeldas, Celda Zeldas, even Smash Bros. Zeldas. This next Zelda I’m about to show you blew my mind in more ways then one. Animator Joel Furtado also likes his Zeldas, difference is he’s a lot more talented than I am, case in point the above video.
I would love to see the inevitable Wii U Zelda take an art direction similar to what was done in the video. It’s equal parts awesome and fantastic, and was obviously created by a fan who loves the series as much as the next guy, or maybe even more. I know that the video is all CGI and doesn’t contain a lick of what could be considered gameplay, but come on! Doesn’t it look fantastic? So what are you waiting for Nintendo?! Give Joel Furtado a call, like, yesterday!
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