In an interview with, Eiji Aonuma and Koji Kondo were on hand to discuss a few questions about the Zelda franchise at the live 25th anniversary Legend of Zelda concert at the Hammersmith Apollo Theater in London. Amongst the questions of Zelda music and Skyward Sword details, is a real nugget of information about a Zelda title for 3DS.
Keep in mind that this is an Portuguese to English translation of what was likely a translation from Japanese to Portuguese, so take it how you will:
MyGames – After The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword? What’s next?
Eiji Aonuma – We are now preparing a new game, a game in the series for the Nintendo 3DS , but do not think that is a direct sequel of The Legend of Zelda released on Nintendo DS , we are talking about a game new but it takes a lot of what was done in the previous console.
MyGames – After the release of The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D on Nintendo 3DS, where we can still count on The Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask 3D?
Eiji Aonuma – People ask me something like this a lot and I can assure you it’s something that I talked to Miyamoto about it. But the recently released Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D is a remake. We are seriously considering the launch, but did not seem politically correct to launch a remake after the other, so the next game from Zelda on the Nintendo 3DS will be an original.
Most important to me about this quote is that it seems as if not only will the game be completely new, but it won’t be set in the Windwaker universe. Don’t get me wrong, I love Windwaker, but I don’t feel the Nintendo DS games do the original justice. I would like to see another Link in a completely different timeline this time around, much like Minish Cap took Link in an entirely new direction on the GBA.
Fans of Majora’s Mask have a little less to be excited about, as Aonuma seems open to the idea of making the game, but not until after an original Zelda hits 3DS. Personally I really enjoyed Majora’s Mask, even more than Ocarina of Time, so if the remake ever hits the 3DS, I would be all over it.
Any day we get wind of a new Zelda title is a good day, so Zelda fans, rejoice!