Looks somewhat familiar, huh? Debuting earlier today on Japan’s Pokemon Smash, This guy is the latest Pokemon to be revealed for X and Y. Could this be an evolution of Mewtwo, or a possible Mewtrois? The PokeGods are being a bit secretive about his identity, leaving it up to our speculation for the time being. What are your thoughts?
Also, The title of the video is “A New Pokémon with a Familiar Look!”, which supports that this is NOT Mewtwo, or another form of him. It does not say that it is not a new evolution. However, it does seem to hint that it is a completely new Pokemon.
Also, for those that might say that this isn’t a new Pokemon, I think Kotaku put it best…
Note – Seeing a lot of comments saying it’s not a new Pokémon, but a new form of Mewtwo. As far as the Pokémon is concerned, a new form or evolution of an existing Pokémon is a new Pokémon. Squirtle is a Pokémon. Blastoise is a Pokemon, and not just Squirtle’s new form. Now quit it.