The newest MiiVerse update will now allow the players to “tag” their posts with whether it is a question, accomplishment, impressions, retro or if there are players wanted. Another change is within the MiiVerse Code of Conduct which now instructs users to: ““Do Not Let Others Use Your Nintendo Network ID””, which is a fairly minor addition compared to the tags.
Any post that you tag will appear in the color Blue, whereas any post made form “in-game” will remain green. Not all communities will feature the same tags, but I would imagine that will change over time, unless new tags are added for specific communities. The new addition of filtering posts will be very helpful when looking for specific tags. The character limit for messages has also been increased from 100 characters to 200 characters with this update, to match the June update that allowed 200 characters in posts.
Although these changes seem fairly minor, they are just an example of more progress within the MiiVerse. Personally, I am happy to see these smaller updates release so quickly, as compared to waiting to bundle them in with major updates. What are your thoughts? Was this update worth releasing on its own, or are you also happy with the small updates?