Kid Icarus Uprising is a fantastic game, but it features an overwhelmingly talkative voice track that could be the most polarizing stylistic decision since Link went all toony in Wind Waker.
When players and reviewers comment that Uprising’s characters “never shut up,” they’re not exaggerating. From start to finish of its 10 hour main quest, KIU is one huge festival of banter, jokes, complaints, debates and bickering — lots and lots of bickering. The overall effect turns the adventure – despite its nonstop monster slaying and deaths of thousands of humans at the hands of irresponsible deities – into one big rollicking comedy show.
Personally, I love it. For me, the audio gives KIU a unique and wonderful atmosphere unlike anything else I’ve ever played. I laughed out loud several times during the quest, and ended each session in a great mood. I enjoy having the characters aware that they live in a game.
Though most reviewers seem to enjoy the dialogue, I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. We have here an intense, epic entry in a franchise many fans have literally waited decades for, and it refuses to take itself seriously. It features a huge cast of heroes and villains spending the entire game trying to top each other’s quips and insults. Humor’s a very subjective thing; can this over-the-top approach possibly appeal to everyone?
Fortunately, the game’s sound option switch can give blessed relief to folks who can’t stand corny jokes. Everyone should recall, however, that the original Kid Icarus was full of Eggplant Wizards, credit cards and deadly mustached noses. It’s always been wacky.
If this 3DS masterpiece gets a sequel, I want the comedy left in. Come to think of it, I might have enjoyed Clash of the Titans (either version) much more if had been more like Kid Icarus Uprising.