Kid Icarus Uprising is a fantastic game, but it features an overwhelmingly talkative voice track that could be the most polarizing stylistic decision since Link went all toony in Wind Waker. When players and reviewers comment that Uprising’s characters “never shut up,” they’re not exaggerating. From start to finish of its 10 hour main quest, KIU is one huge festival of banter, jokes, complaints, d...
Kid Icarus: Uprising has had many Infendo contributors, myself included, wondering if the game was going to have some serious problems when it finally released. Since then, it has, and let’s just it has never been more fantastic to be proven wrong. Project Sora has with their first project already proven that they are a top tier developer, making the wait for Super Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS all ...
[youtube][/youtube] Ever since E3 last, I have been skeptical of Kid Icarus: Uprising. The controls just didn’t seem quite right and the voice acting left a lot to be desired. This new trailer for the game, however, has got me wanting to play the game, and may even get me to put money down for a preorder. Not sure what it is about the traile...
So Kid Icarus: Uprising has had a pretty rough game development cycle to say the least. What started off as a 3DS launch title has since been delayed numerous times and is now slated for a March release. In my hands on with the game it was easy to see how fun the game could be, but there was one glaring problem witht the game. Playing it was simply not comfortable. Nintendo seems poised to address...
Nintendo is currently holding just finished up with a 3DS specific press conference in Japan, and a ton of new details have emerged. First and foremost, no, Nintendo didn’t show off the second analog add-on nor did they mention any redesign with dual analog support. The conference was mainly to show off a TON of new games coming to the handheld, and quietly delay another one. Let’s ge...