is currently holding just finished up with a 3DS specific press conference in Japan, and a ton of new details have emerged. First and foremost, no, Nintendo didn’t show off the second analog add-on nor did they mention any redesign with dual analog support. The conference was mainly to show off a TON of new games coming to the handheld, and quietly delay another one.
Let’s get the bad news out of the way first. It turns out that Kid Icarus: Uprising won’t be released this year as planned, and will launch sometime in the first quarter of next year. The reason given for the delay is that Nintendo plans to use the extra development time to add some spit shine to the game and improve the quality of the title. The release window for the game wasn’t specific, but I expect to hear more details about the game as the holiday season draws nearer.
On to the new games…and oh boy are there new games.Â
For starters, it looks like a new Mario Tennis title is 3DS bound and headed for the handheld sometime in 2012. Joining it next year will be a new Paper Mario title, Style Savvy, a brand new Fire Emblem title, Animal Crossing, Dynasty Warriors Vs., SD Gundam G Generation 3D, Tekken 3D Prime Edition, and a new Square-Enix RPG Bravely Default: Flying Fairy.
The game that caught my eye out of the bunch is Bravely Default because apparently it will utilize the system’s augmented reality features. This is something more games need to do as Face Raiders and the other AR games were simply awesome.If that wasn’t enough info, Miyamoto also took the stage to talk Skyward Sword and revealed that the expected play time for the game will be 50+ hours. 50 HOURS! The game has evidently been in development for 5 years, which makes sense as Twilight Princess was released in 2006.
We will have more information about these titles as the week goes on and more details begin to emerge, but looks like Nintendo was listening when we said we wanted more games. Also keep in mind that none of these titles have been announced for release outside of Japan.
What caught your eye amongst all the fantastic titles announced this evening?