Some like to call it a podcast, we like to call it Infendo Radio. That’s right, the Infendo crew has teamed up with production spectacular Scott from ExtraLife (the clever dude that does those fancy cartoons with over 8 years of radio experience) to produce our first podcast. You’ll be able to put a voice with all the writers including Rollin, Nicholas, Dale, Chris, and yours truly. We hope you’ll enjoy it, and that it will add to the overall experience of the Infendo community.
We do need your help though. Drop us some things you’d like to hear on the show in the comment box. Also, give us a shout-out via voicemail at this number: 206-338-BIGN (2446). If you have something cool to say, good insight on the Big N, or just want to holla, please leave a message. Expect show number one this Saturday morning. Until then, keep bangin’!