When Ninja Reflex was announced yesterday for Wii and DS, I was excited with the prospects — a game that combines my love of ninjas and the chance to enhance my reflexes. Yes, I’m easily amused (though I only expect this to be a fun diversion when it’s released in March).
Oh, it doesn’t sound glamorous by any stretch of the imagination, and it doesn’t contain a suffix of 2, 3, 4, or 5; something that seemingly plagues several high-profile games these days, Zelda included. It may end up being a flop, I don’t know. But one thing Ninja Reflex is not, is a rehashed idea — at least a palpable one.
Sadly, it seems as though many gamers will overlook this title given its party game moniker. Heaven forbid we play traditional games and something new that at least promises an original idea — even if it shares shelf space with other Wii mini games.
Shacknews may have put it best in their impressions of the game, which they apparently enjoyed, saying: “Regardless of how the game ends up being received, I must give credit to [the developer] for putting a fresh take on what has suddenly become a painfully overplayed genre.”
Ideas make original games, not genres.
But I guess most traditional gamers don’t want original ideas — they want game of the year type games all of the time. They belittle enjoyment if it’s not derived from an epic, proven adventure.
I don’t hope for Oscar material for every movie I see, I only hope that I’m entertained. The same holds true for the games I play. Are ye not entertained?
Point is, Metroid, Mario, My Word Coach, and Master of Illusion can all be “fun,” though obviously at varying degrees and for varying amounts of time.
The insecurity of our industry continues ad nauseum…