I’m going to assume everyone reading Infendo probably has a Wii that wants one by now, but think of the children when reading this post, because they’re probably going to be babbling, crying messes come December. That’s right, the Wii shortages are going to return in force for the holiday season. Get your eBay accounts ready to roll!
“…the expansion of the market for potential customers, the number of people who are waiting to purchase Wii, is beyond our expectations right now,” said Nintendo president Satoru Iwata. “So for the time being, I really do not think that the imbalance for supply and demand can be solved immediately.”
There are plans to ramp up production (haven’t we heard that one before?), but even with the increase, Iwata said “there can be no guarantee that U.S. consumers will be able to easily purchase a Wii this coming holiday season.”
“I can’t give you a 100% commitment [that you’ll be able to find a Wii this holiday season]. What I can commit myself to is that Nintendo is going to do its best to supply as many Wii hardware units as possible in order to meet demand there,” he said.
Again, we’ve done this dance before, right?