
New Zelda Media

More goodness that is Zelda. This game is gonna be some good loving. It is just such a good game (at least the series always has been). Always well done. For those wanting to download the new video, it’s here: E3 Trailer (right click & save as). I’m anxious to see how it plays. Penny for your thoughts? Podcast: Play in new window | Download (32.7MB)Subscribe: Google Podcasts | Emai...

Good News

Apparently, the revolution pic’s are official prototypes, not the final design. Man, i was getting worried. Engadget is reporting that Nintendo wants to solicit feedback for the new design though. Let’s get to work through thoughtful commenting.

Gameboy Micro

[UPDATED PICS]The press is stating that the big N also announced the release of a “gameboy micro.” How bout something more powerful? Maybe soon, but hopefully we can get some pics today. That is if they decide to release some.

Revolution Pics (Legit)

Here she is in all her glory. Can’t wait to see some more. I’m not quite sure if I’m feeling this though. How bout you guys? Based off my first impression, I think the PS3 came out the best based purley on aesthetics. I don’t know though. Hopefully we can see those fancy smancy controllers soon. PS – I don’t buy N’s marketing ploy that they don’t wan...

PS3 Design: Not Bad

Surprisingly nice. Much, much better than the 360’s rank design. Let’s hope Nintendo makes a show this week though (as I knock on wood). Has anyone but me noticed that PS has used the same controller since ’95? I guess that will be around fifteen years by the time this generation is up. (I know this is a Nintendo blog, but you gotta cover your competitors to keep moving forward.)

E3 Ahoy! Man the deodorant!!

The spectacle and fury of E3 is poised to pop like some giant electronic zit in a mere 48 hours. The rumors are flying. Will Nintendo be announcing a new Game Boy? How much information will be available about the GameCube successor? What is Mario really wearing under those overalls? This year’s show promises to be the best in recent years thanks to a glut of new products for consoles, handhe...

Nintendo’s late entrance

Our computing buddies at are reporting that Nintendo’s 2006 next gen entrance will hurt the companies attempt to regain it’s ground. Hasn’t Nintendo always been a second moving with the exception of NES? If the Revolution is to be what it’s title suggest, maybe they should have tried to be the first mover, hence re-revolutionizing the home console industry. Your th...

Revolution Concept logos…

Reporting from Joystiq, apparently there might have been some Revolution logos that got leaked. They seem okay, but we are in the era of great photoshop skills, so it’s anyone’s guess as to their validity.

Overworld Guitar Loving

This video is simply amazing! Being the okay guitarist that I am, I must say this guy is very talented. And I just love the hair. For additional homage to Nintendo music, download the Video Game Pianist‘s excellent piano renditions of great Nintendo classics. Podcast: Play in new window | Download (734.3KB)Subscribe: Google Podcasts | Email | RSS

DS Thoughts

Since starting Infendo, we’ve paid a lot of attention to the GameCube, Revolution speculation, and a little GBA love. What about the DS though? Having played the thing, I must say it is pretty cool. That said, I’m a little unsure what to think of it. I have a good friend that has been a Nintendophile his whole life, and bought one the day it came out. Sadly to say, he has recently sold...

Nintendo E3 Coverage

We’re hoping to have a guest contributor (Vince) do a little reconnaissance for Infendo while making his rounds at E3. We’re interested to know first hand how Nintendo’s booth stacks up against Microsoft’s, Sony’s, and the other major software publishers. How was it? What impressed you the most? What left you wanting more? Did they achieve their E3 Goal? Maybe we need...

One good fake

Alright, you guys have probably already seen this, but dang that’s a good take on some creative gaming. The audio and overall presentation are a lil cheesy, but whoever did this put a lot of effort and thinking behind it. Nintendo On? I really hope they stick with Revolution. It’s a solid name. Not too fancy, just right. Podcast: Play in new window | Download (13.8KB)Subscribe: Google ...