Just a little gathering of 3DS mini-news and trivia:
So far, so good for Nintendo Video: as promised, the company delivered three new 3D videos via Spotpass. Bearshark is, by far, the most fun and twisted of the bunch–and it’s interesting to see a tradional hand-drawn Loony Tunes tribute in 3D. The second new arrival, OK Go’s music video All is not Lost, is beautifully done and a natural for the 3D format. I miss the dogs from their previous piece, though. The third entry is the Smurfs movie trailer. Shrug.
The downside is that, also as promised, Nintendo yanked all last week’s videos…and I really liked Dinosaur Office! Hey, Nintendo, seriously: I will pay you a dollar each for the videos I want to keep. Consider it. Please. In the meantime, I’m really enjoying this service, and I do hope the weekly updates continue.
Also, this week Nintendogs (plus voles) received yet another pet-owning U.S. President to live in the game. Owners of the cartridge now find themselves sharing a town with Teddy Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Richard Nixon, Rutherford B. Hayes, Lyndon Johnson, Abe Lincoln and Herbert Hoover. It’s starting to feel like Walt Disney World’s Hall of Presidents over here! Many thanks to NOA for keeping Nintendogs an active, regularly updated title.
To wrap things up, here’s a fun little tip: Did you know you can set your 3DS camera to bark or meow a split-second before it snaps a picture? The idea is to grab your pet’s attention and have it look at the lens at just the right moment. My dog, unfortunately, looks everywhere for the sound except the 3DS. Maybe you’ll have better luck.