Jack’s controversial op-ed piece that complimented Xbox 360’s Gears of War while simultaneously criticizing its high review scores caused a little nerd drama yesterday that will soon be forgotten in the blogosphere’s short memory. Snarky J let a little “unbridled enthusiasm” get the best of him, but in the end, you can’t fault the man for sharing what he is excited about; Nintendo’s Wii.
On Infendo Radio #33, one caller expressed his concerns with Wii’s lackluster graphics when compared to the Xbox 360 and Sony’s PS3 (35:53 in). Our advice to him? If new graphics are what you seek, then get a 360 or PS3. If you’re hoping Nintendo can pull off a new interface experience, Wii might be a good fit. If money and time are not an issue, by all means, purchase everything in sight and enjoy the fine life you lead.
So for a good mix of positive and negative commentary on the subject, follow the hoopla here:
On topic: Only nine more days ’till Wii launches. Onward, Nintendo nerds. Onward.