Two weeks ago one megaton a rumor started swirling around the Internet in the form of a Star Fox, Metroid, crossover. Well more info on that game has surfaced today. Does that mean we can expect to see Star Fox X Metroid at E3 next week?
In a word, no. The rumor originated on the Paul Gale Network on the 19th of May. Yesterday, Paul Gale himself put the rumor to rest stating: “The good news is that going into E3, I have an answer: No. This game is not what Retro Studios is currently working on and will not make an appearance at E3 next week.”
Personally, I had a hard time believing the rumor in the first place, and am glad that Retro Studios isn’t going to be making something with such a cockamamie premise. What does this mean to you? Well, perhaps the dream is still alive of Retro working on the next Zelda, amirite?