That green computing is so hot right now! Well, in the data center (geeky IT alert…) it is anyway, but it’s also cool to see that the little white box that’s changing gaming forever is sipping power, instead of gurgling it.
Using a device called a Kill A Watt, Takahashi learned that the Wii consumes just 17 watts of energy, compared to the PS3’s 171 watts and his 360 Elite’s 194 watts. To give you a bit of perspective, Takahashi’s 42-inch plasma TV (drool) burned 200 watts and his fully loaded Gateway FX530 gaming rig consumed 266 watts.
Lucky for that PS3, it’s hardly on, so no worries there. And anyone else feeling the irony about that HD television drinking all that power while sitting over the Wii? Sometimes life is funny all by itself even without some crazy video game exec opening his mouth.
The Wii: Good for the environment, great for gaming.