Most of us are eagerly anticipating the arrival of Zelda and Mario (on foot and kart) as the Holidays approach. Are any less-discussed 2011 games on your radar? I have a very short list, all on DS or 3DS, and all but one come with a big IF….
Professor Layton and the Last Specter (Oct. 17) — This one’s an instant buy for me.
Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights (Dec. 6) — If it’s at least half as entertaining as Professor Layton, I’m aboard.
Pokemon Rumble Blast (Oct. 24) — The previews look fun. I’m hoping it’s got some depth.
The Adventures of TinTin (Dec. 6) Though it’s a long shot, I hope this one bucks the movie game curse while capturing the fun of the books.
Sonic Generations (?) If it actually gets released before 2012, this could be the Sonic game we’ve been waiting for since the 16 bit days.
How about you? Are you planning to purchase any titles without plumbers or rupees for your Wii, DS or 3DS in 2011?