After one week on North American store shelves, Nintendo is already reporting record sales for 3DS. Can the same be said for software sales? Read on to find out!
According to VGChartz, three 3DS launch titles were able to squeeze their way into the top ten on launch week, with two of the titles being Nintendo published. Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition was perhaps unsurprisingly the best selling 3DS launch title selling over 100k units in it’s first week, while PilotWings Resort and Nintendogs + cats both sold 85k and 76k respectively. Rounding out the top twenty for the week was LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars and The Sims 3.
My favorite launch title (of the three that I have dug my claws into) has most certainly been Street Fighter, and according to Richard, he loves him some Nintendogs +cats. It will be interesting to see which titles continue to sell after once the 3D dust settles and 3DS begins to hit it’s stride. What do you think? Hit the comments to chime in!