Despite most of August being a bit slow for physical copies of new games, the Wii and DSi have received a nice share of downloadable games. (Well, the Wii has ..) Virtual Console got the SNES Star Wars trilogy; WiiWare received fun stuff like Contra Rebirth, Monkey Island, and NyxQuest; and even Nintendo showed some decent DSiWare love with Puzzle League, Clubhouse, and Brain Age mini-games.
Any new NintendoWare that you’d like to let us know about? What are your favorites?
[Full list of recent WiiWare and DSiWare is below]
Contra Rebirth
Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 2
3-2-1, Rattle Battle!
PictureBook Gamesâ„¢: Pop-Up Pursuit
Family Slot Car Racing
NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits
Rock N’ Roll Climber
Clubhouse Gamesâ„¢ Express: Family Favorites
Puzzle Leagueâ„¢ Express
Pop+ Soloâ„¢
Brain Age Express: Sudoku
Guitar Rock Tour®
Brain Age Express: Arts & Letters
Super Return of the Jedi
Phantasy Starâ„¢
Super Empire Strikes Backâ„¢
The Revenge of Shinobiâ„¢
Super Star Wars