[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSK3u23pz4Q#t=17[/youtube] Challenged by the head of Microsoft’s Xbox division, Phil Spencer, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has finally accepted the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Fils-Aime, along with various Nintendo management members such as Scott Moffit, Don James, Mike Fukuda, Devon Pritchard, and Ingvar Petursson, took to inviting t...
Nintendo has not had the best of moments this past week, but thankfully, the company is admitting to some mistakes. After reporting financial losses for the third straight year, the company was met with backlash from gamers, media, and the LGBT community on the exclusion of same-sex marriages in the upcoming North American and European release of the 3DS life simulator, Tomodachi Life. Now, Ninte...
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FZWEJrqV2E[/youtube] A recent YouTube video published on Nintendo of America’s official channel has revealed details about National StreetPass Weekend, coming December 14th and 15th (a Saturday and Sunday). According to the video, “all the Nintendo Zones in North America will be put together and mixed around” on those days. Meaning that pa...
[Update] – Nintendo Everything is reporting that Nintendo will now ALLOW for Super Smash Bros. Melee to be live-streamed for the EVO fighting game tournament. [Original Story] Nintendo of America has brought down the ban hammer on their Gamecube million-seller, Super Smash Bros. Melee, being able to be streamed live at this weekend’s EVO fighting game tournament. Organizers for the eve...
Yesterday, it was reported that Nintendo would be scaling down from a large E3 press conference and focus solely on smaller events during the week of LA-based video game convention. Nintendo of America’s Senior Director of Corporate Communications Charlie Scibetta was able to clarify what the company plans to do in the wake of this jaw dropping announcement. “As you’ve already seen, a lot of...
According to a post from the NeoGAF forums, Nintendo of America will be releasing a special edition Fire Emblem: Awakening 3DS bundle for North America. In addition, NoA also confirmed earlier this week that an Awakening demo will be made available on the 3DS eShop on January 17th. Details, most specifically the price, for the 3DS Fire Emblem bundle are scarce at the moment, but it should be made ...
To most, it would seem like the Wii would be pretty much done and ready to give up it’s mantle to the Wii U. But according to an email from Nintendo, the little white box still has some life to it.