Retro Redux: NES Quest – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II Report Card

I’ve been holding off on this report card because I kept thinking, “Just gotta get one more person to play it with me!” Well, I’m here to say I did get someone new to play it with me, and in the most unexpected way imaginable! I work a part-time job as an English tutor in a town about 20 miles away. I spend essentially all day in this little college town every Wednesday, bu...

Retro Redux: NES Quest – You don’t just beat NES games…or do you?

I know it’s been a while since the last update on NES Quest and even longer since the last report card, so this post is long overdue! First, a (very) brief update: I never did get around to playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II with a friend again, so that’s why I’ve been holding off on a report card. But I have had the time to play StarTropics, which is, of course, single play...

Exclusive 3DS Models Coming To GameStop

A triforce of unique 3DS designs have been announced for the coming months, two of which will be exclusive to GameStop locations. These models were presented recently at the GameStop Expo 2014. First, released on September 19th, will be the Super Smash Bros. Edition 3DS XL. We have already seen glimpses of this, as it had been previously announced for the UK. Available in two colors, red and blue,...

Retro Redux: NES Quest – Updates + Excuses, Excuses

Game: StarTropics Release Date (North America): Dec. 1990 Developer: Nintendo IRD Genre: Action-adventure I think it’s about time for another NES Quest update, as it’s been a while since the last vote ended and you were no doubt in suspense as to which game (out of Metroid, Super Mario Bros. 3, Maniac Mansion, and StarTropics) was the winner. As you can see, StarTropics won and did so ...

Retro Redux: NES Quest – Bionic Commando Report Card

It’s time for another NES Quest report card! As with the DuckTales post before it, this report card (for Bionic Commando) is not a review: it’s a way for me to report to you the details of my progress in Bionic Commando. So how did I do? Read on to find out! Overview Areas Completed: 01 13 (Neutral) 04 15 (Neutral) 05 16 (Neutral) Lifelines Used: 1 – The Internet. Why? To figure ...

Retro Redux: NES Quest – Updates + New Vote

Game: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game Release Date (North America): Dec. 1990 Developer: Konami Genre: Beat ’em up As you can see, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game is up next on NES Quest. I’ve already acquired an original NES cartridge of the game, so I will start playing it this weekend. But what about my progress on Bionic Commando? I’m about t...

Retro Redux: NES Quest – DuckTales report card

Waiting for a space duck to get through those spikes is like waiting for King Zora to move aside in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. As I move on to Bionic Commando, I move away from DuckTales. It’s time for my first report card! Being the first, I’m not sure exactly how to describe it…it’s not quite a game review. Rather, it’s a review of my progress on the game...

Retro Redux: NES Quest – New Vote

How random selection works on NES Quest. As I promised earlier this week when Bionic Commando was revealed to be the winner of the last vote on NES Quest, here’s a brand spanking new set of four NES games for you to vote on (again, chosen at random): Recommended by Justin Riley, Gargoyle’s Quest II and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2. Recommended by Eric Abrams, Metroid. Recommended by ...

Guest Post – Nintendo Blacksheep: StarTropics

For those of you readers who don’t know me (which I’m sure is 99.9% of you), my name is Anthony DeVirgilis, and I’ve been writing at for around 4 years on and off.  I consider myself a well-rounded gamer, owning just about every console and willing to give a game in any genre at least a chance.  Enough about me though, the reason I am here and writing this article i...

Retro Redux: NES Quest – And the winner is…

Game: Bionic Commando Release Date (North America): Dec. 1988 Developer: Capcom Genres: Action and Platforming The time for voting has come and gone in the latest competition between Super Mario Bros. 3, Bionic Commando, Maniac Mansion, and Adventure Island. As you can see above, the winner is Bionic Commando, a game I know virtually nothing about. I’m waiting for a copy to come in the mail,...

DuckTales: Best Moon Theme Covers

[youtube][/youtube] The DuckTales NES soundtrack is fantastic overall, but I think you’ll agree when I say that no track sticks out more than the game’s Moon theme. Before I ever played DuckTales, I heard that glorious melody and loved it instantly. For good or bad, the Moon theme has seen cover after cover on YouTube. The video above this pos...

Retro Redux: The NES

Any quest to play retro Nintendo games should probably begin with the NES. It’s one of the most iconic gaming systems of all time, and it essentially revived the home console market in the United States single-handedly after the disastrous video game crash of 1983. Since I am trying to recreate (for myself and anyone who cares to read this) the era of the NES, I should probably know a little...