I don’t break in with news of everything Club Nintendo suddenly offers, but I really think you’ll want to know about these:
This might be my favorite item to appear in the Club Nintendo reward shop to date. Cripes, this is dangerously adorable. Two sets of patches (the other features Kirby and Prince Fluff) join some nifty-looking washcloth things (Nintendo calls them towels, but…c’mon, they’re not even ten inches square!) for your shopping enjoyment. Is it just me, or has the shop gotten a lot more i...
If you’ve joined Club Nintendo, and have been registering your first-party games (and if not, why not?), a new reward has become available in the company club store. 300 Club Nintendo coins will get you a Mario Sensu (folding fan), which will start shipping October 25th. Of all Nintendo’s Club offerings, this one strikes me as an item that could actually make a fun, unusual Holiday g...