I do love creatin’ Miis. A reader asked how to get the Mii Beatles shown in a recent post, so I’ve gathered the fab four along with some cartoon sleuths, my favorite President, a boy wizard and a few surprise guests to mingle with Derek, David, Eugene and your own Mii! And, yes, I know Daphne’s not very accurate, but dang, that’s a difficult one to Mii-ize!
This week’s big release is The Beatles: Rock Band, but you have to admit that Muramasa looks pretty awesome, too. Guitar Hero is switching their downloadable content exclusively to GH5 and it looks like they’re trying to counteract Beatlesmania with some Rolling Stones. Rock Band 2 continues to get a ton of DLC with some Talking Heads and some Penny Arcade Expo tracks. And OMG … ...
I met with Pelloni at GDC earlier this year, and the heavily hated viral ad mastermind, single-man developer told me that despite having not yet found a publisher, the world was going to see “bob’s game” in some form. Last week the bob’s game website put up a quiet update in small font, reading: “090909 full release.” What does “full release” mean?...
As one of the catchiest popular punk bands in history, I was stoked to learn of Blink-182’s regrouping and subsequent new album this summer. Dudes write fun riffs and I digg their playful style (especially during hot summers), even if they’re not as “hardcore” as pioneers of the genre. So to take a time out on gaming, I ask that you indulge me, kind Infendo reader. Which is...