Super Smash Bros. Brawl online issues?

Wii Smash Bros ErrorUPDATE: It should go without saying that you’d be a fool to delete anything from your console without checking and rechecking this information against other news sources, friends and Nintendo itself.

We received a tip this morning about a new Super Smash Bros. Brawl issue that is not related to those isolated dirty lens problems.

Basically, if you got your game before midnight and started playing online before the system was ready, you were given a glitched Friend Code that messes up some of the title’s online features. Worse yet, the only way to fix this bug is to go into system management and erase all of your hard earned Brawl data. For some players, this means many, many hours of saves need to be deleted.

Our tipster said everyone should check their wi-fi settings to make sure they DO have their wi-fi options menu and spectator mode. “If not, bite the bullet. Reset the data.” Anyone missing theirs?
[Thanks Mal!]